I'm really annoyed ... by over 60 emails per day from my monitoring system!
If something of my infrastructure gets broken I really want to get notified.
But when a service flutters around, e.g. sometimes more and sometimes less CPU, it is good to know, but also very confusing when the whole e-mail inbox is full.
My solution is to separate very important and less relevant notifications by delivering them to different applications.
Deliver the same notifications to multiple chats
Deliver specific notifications to specific chats (maybe using tag filters?)
Interactive actions possible (at least acknowledgements, maybe setting filters)
Deactivate / activate chats temporarily - to have a quiet vacation :)
Authorize new chats
1. Install a development environment using my openITCOCKPIT in LXC solution
2. Clone the available example module from https://github.com/it-novum/openITCOCKPIT-ExampleModule
3. Require PHP Telegram Bot Api in our composer.json to easily connect to Telegram
That came out